
Name: Aidoneus.

Age: 28.

Height: 6’1.

Hair colour: Black.

Eye colour: Red.

Species: Vampire demigod.

Nationality: Greek.

Orientation: Pansexual.

Birthplace: Delphi, Greece.

Birthday: January 24th, 1991

Occupation: Adventurer.

Affiliation: None.

Residence: Chryso, Greece

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In the town of Delphi, a great hero was born. Although gods had long ago stopped interacting with mortals, Apollo gave the world another son. Young and fair, it was said that he would start a new Heroic Age, where gods and mortals would interact with one another once again. His name was Aidoneus.

But this same oracle had more malicious intentions. As the boy grew older, and stronger, and bolder, he made sure the boy would grow boastful and arrogant. The oracle convinced Aidoneus that he was faster, stronger, smarter than any of the gods upon Olympus.

Eventually, Aidoneus set his sights upon the gods themselves. And although they had not come down from Mount Olympus in centuries, they would not take this transgression lightly. They cursed him with the need for blood, to join the ranks of dark creatures of the night.

Aidoneus’s destiny was shattered. He would never rise to the halls of heroes, the oracle cursing him to a lifetime in darkness. So he would craft a new legacy, a dark history, if the world condemned him to be a monster.

But even a monster could shine. The demigod’s story was not written in stone.

Heroic gear

Pygmachia: A pair of spiked cestus, clad in leather from the toughest bulls in all of Greece. Although there is nothing magical about them, they are complemented by the demigod’s massive strength. The spikes have been put on to draw blood, fueling his bloodfrenzy.

Aegean Shield: Alleged to be a fragment of Zeus’s own massive shield, it resembles a hoplon similar to those worn by other Grecian heroes. With an edge coated in adamantite, Aidoneus often employs it as a bladed weapon when close and personal. And owing to his god-given aim, often finds himself throwing the shield for ranged attacks.

Apollo’s Bow: God-given right. Arrows that burn as bright as the sun and always find their target. But ever since his fall, the bow remains locked, and the arrows extinguished.

Zephyrus: A hippogriff rescued as a baby. Currently missing.

Gifts And Curses

Heroic Constitution: As many other Grecian heroes, Olympian blood runs in the monster’s veins. Enhanced strength, resistance, stamina and agility are gifts from his parentage. Similarly, every son and daughter of the gods has a great destiny in store.

Monstrous Curse: In myths and stories, monsters exist for one reason: to be defeated by heroes. Weapons blessed by the gods - a sacred sword, a holy spell, a venerated spear - hit the monster demigod twice as hard.

Apollonian Accuracy: Unerring aim, bestowed by the god of archery. Though he has put away his bow and turned his back on Olympus, any thrown or flung object will enjoy the same prodigious aim.

Hubris: Considered to be the biggest of Greek sins, as a boisterous person put themselves above the gods. The monstrous demigod has not learned his lesson, and continues to roam the Earth proud and smug.

Apollonian Muse: As the son of the god of music and poetry, his musical talents are considerable.

Dionysian Mystery: Rejecting Apollo, the monstrous demigod turned his eyes towards another Olympian: Dionysus, god of madness, lunacy, wine and hedonism. Submitting himself to the cursed bloodlust, his strength and ferocity are augmented, but does not distinguish friend from foe.